Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Raising Support Update

$234 in monthly pledges to That means we have been able to raise $1878 in monthly pledges. Who woulda thunk?

Right now, we have a total of 34 supporters with more on the way. Praise God.

Yesterday, I was doing some daydreaming - as I do from time to time. I was imagining what it would be like to have a lot of money. Yes, God convicted me about this, I just didn't respond to the conviction as quickly as I should have. I KNOW that I can't depend on money. It just causes more and new problems and doesn't really solve anything. God has also shown me that it would be very easy to make money a god. But man, wouldn't it be cool?

So, as I was putting away the thoughts of having big money, God showed me that I was doing the same thing with the $234 in monthly pledges. It's not big money, it's little money. But, I am still looking to that money for security. 'If I just had the rest of my support raised, everything would be cool.' Or something like that. I'm not sure that God is concerned with scale on issues like this. The love of money is wrong, at any level - see 1 Timothy 6:10 and Hebrews 13:5.

Of course I want to have the support raised. Of course it would be cool. But I keep going back to a statement by John Candy in the movie, 'Cool Runnings.' He said, "...if you're nothing without a medal, you'll be nothing with a medal."

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