Monday, September 05, 2005

The Whole Support Thing

So, I'm a missionary. I raise support for half of my income.

There, I said it.

One can't imagine how hard it has been to say that.

It has been very difficult to view myself as a Missionary. Note, if you will, the capital M.

I have been raising support for almost a year. I am attempting to go on staff with a missions trip organization in Gainesville, GA called Adventures In Missions. I will be their internal web guy. Throughout all of this, I've been a missionary. I've been on multiple mission trips, gone to prison, and even did an interview with the child of a friend who needed to interview a missionary. But I wasn't officially on staff because I didn't have my support raised.

Yesterday, 9/4, God provided all of our support.

Our church was discussing the possibility of upping our support $200 a month so that we could get over the hump. They had to table the issue because of budget issues - they don't have a mission budget right now. Then, on Sunday, a member of a sunday school class said he and his wife would support us for $200 a month. Praise God! Now we're at 100.99% of our support.

Thanks be to the great God of the universe for his marvelous love and favor. I will praise him as long as I have breath. Who am I that he is mindful of me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's great! We know the challenges of raising support. It's so awesome to hear that you're willing and that you've come this far!