Monday, October 22, 2007


I've recently finished the autobiography of Phil Vischer, the Veggie Tales guy. It's a great read and I highly recommend it.

Anyway, to make a long story short (too late!!), he lost everything. I don't think he even owns Bob and Larry anymore. I know he doesn't own Big Idea (the Veggie Tales company). He said that he had all these great plans and visions about becoming the Christian Disney and now the plans are all dead. God made it clear to him that He didn't want Phil's plans and dreams, he only wanted Phil.

Related to that, Vischer points out that the verse most Evangelicals use to explain/excuse our plans is the King James' version of Proverbs 29:18a - Where there is no vision, the people perish… From this, we get our mega-churches and building programs; man-created visions that we expect God to bless.

He then points out that the NIV version of this verse is quite different: Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restrain… According to Vischer, when the KJV used the word ‘vision,' it meant something totally different in 1611 than it does now. Then, it meant that God gave one a vision or that God gave vision. Now, it means "our plans for the future." However, if we wait for God to reveal himself and/or his plans, imagine what could happen!

So, that's what I'm trying to do right now; wait/look for God's revelation of his plan. I've got all kinds of great ideas and plans for what I should be doing, but I can't say that they are God's plans. I pray that he will show me the way to go.

This is really hard. As an American man, I'm supposed to have a five year plan, a vision of very specific goals that I am committed to reaching. It's hard to let that go and let God give HIS vision for my family's future. In Amos 3:7, Amos says, Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. I don't think I'm a prophet - that's not the point - but I do think that God wants to reveal his plans.

My prayer, for you and for me, is that we would follow God's direction

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