Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Matamoros Project Leader Training

Carla, the girls, and I will be heading to Matamoros, MX on 6/2 for project leader training. We will be renting a car and driving to Harlingen, TX where Steve Basden will pick us up. We'll have our first meeting Thursday night and then we'll be following my friend Cesar Gonzales as he does the project leader thing.

In order to be a project leader for AIM, one has to go to project leader training. They used to do it in Atlanta. One would sit for two days in a classroom in Atlanta and learn all the stuff one had to do to be a project leader. Woo. Hoo. Now, you get to go on a project and learn on the job.

I'm really looking forward to this as this will be the first time my daughters have been out of the country. Also, they will have a chance to meet and play with other AIM kids. Cesar's two girls and Thomi Wilson's five kids will be there. They will all get a chance to go on the mission trip and follow the mission participants around. Most importantly, we will be able to do ministry as a family.
When I went to China last year, I felt like I wasn't all there. (Insert joke here) Without my girls with me, I didn't feel like I was experiencing it fully.

Please pray for us as we do this work. We will need all the prayer we can get.
Our mission schedule for the summer is as follows:

  • June 2 to 10 - Matamoros
  • June 13 to 18 - VBS at LABC
  • June 23 to July 2 - Saltillo, MX. I'll be without the girls
  • July 9 to 18 - Harlan, KY

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