Friday, June 24, 2005

Saltillo, Pre-Trip Stuff

I got to the Gateway right before dinner and was able to eat with the group that is leaving tomorrow.

I found Giovanni, the guy I'll be doing the trip with. It turns out that I met him last year on the Johnson's Ferry Baptist Church trip. He's a good guy.

We spent about three hours talking through the schedule and all the practical stuff. I feel MUCH better about meeting the group on Saturday. I've got a real schedule and some things to tell them. We'll see what happens.

It is overwhelming the amount of detail that goes into a trip like this. I just keep thinking about II Corinthians 12:9 and I feel better.

I am excited about the opportunity to finally lead a mission trip, but scared that I'll forget something important. 'Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.' I Peter 5:13.


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