Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sculpture of You, just pretend that you're a gifted sculptor. You know, one of those people who can chip away everything that doesn't look like David...

Can you imagine what it would be like to put so much work into such a sculpture and then, when you were finished, people did nothing but point out its flaws? I suppose that I might be able to deal with this, but what if the sculpture itself started to say "why is my nose so big?" "Why did you make me with such a bad temper?" "Why is my hair this color?" "Why do I have this blemish?"

You, as the master sculptor, would respond by smashing the thing...OK, that's how I would respond. You would probably say, "I made your nose like that on purpose." "Yes, you have a fiery temper, but you also have passion. I gave you passion, but you channel it through your anger." "I like that color on you." "I put that blemish there on purpose."

This is starting to sound dangerously like one of those "Footprints in the Sand" kind of let's go to the meat.

I'm constantly bothered by the thought that I am not where I am supposed to be. Yes, I understand that it is important to strive to improve myself, but that is not what I'm talking about. At no time in my life have I EVER thought "wow, I'm exactly where I should be, doing exactly what I should be doing." I always feel guilty about things that are not being done, attitudes that I should change, and the mistakes that shape my life.

Could it be that if I am submitted to God and am following his ways, that I AM exactly where I should be? Could it be that the place I am in now is not a surprise to God and is, therefore, where he wants me to be?

Before you reject that idea and/or start to add all the qualifiers, chew on it for a bit.

What if you, in all your inadequacies, faults, sins, failures, and triumphs, are where God intended you to be all along? What if he actually made you for this insignificant moment? You with your divorce, the damage you've caused to the people around you, the mistakes you made in college that forced you to take seven years instead of four (guilty), the child you gave up for adoption, the people who have hurt/used you, the parents that made your life hard because of their many mistakes.

What if God is using all the clay, mud, dirt, marble, straw, gold, and diamonds that are your life to make you into the person you are right now. What if God doesn't worry about the person you're going to be or that you were, but instead focuses on the person that you are.

Wow, what a weight off...

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